Обновилась версия одного из лучших аддонов для квестов. Список изменений (переводить лень, если кому нужно будет - пишите переведу): Changes: 1.31 Updated readme file. Added and updated around 800 quests. Most are for the 6 lower level Northrend zones. Deleted WotLK quests if not on a beta server. Added Favorites “Delete Item” button. Added left double click of Favorites map icons to goto. Optimized map zone switching which improves peformance with addons that switch zones (MobMap, Recipe Radar). Optimized map and quest update speed. Changed map so it will not zone switch and fade out while a menu is open. Replaced map location tooltip with custom location tip. Added distance after coordinates. Added “Route…” to the main map menu. Added “Current Goto Targets” to map route menu. Added quote support to name in /carb note command, so spaces can be used. Added yellow color to values in Options window. Removed unused transparency sliders from quest watch map colors. Fixed some sounds playing when sound muted. Fixed Favorites not redrawing item list after paste command. Fixed error when minimizing Watch List. Fixed “Show On Map” error if quest not in database. Fixed WotLK build 8885 map changes. Fixed map “Clear Goto” breaking map mouse location detection and scale not being restored. Fixed case where you could have multiple menus opened. Fixed chat error message from targetting units above level 92. Fixed 3 places where English quest names were used instead of localized names. Fixed Guild Control panel drawing under Social Window. Fixed Chat member list drawing over Chat New Channel dialog. Ссылка на скачиывние: ЧАСТЬ 1 http://depositfiles.com/files/mbxy7254h ЧАСТЬ 2 http://pro100.ucoz.org/carbonitepart2.zip Просто скачайте файлы и переменуйте в “Carbonite.part1.rar” и “Carbonite.part2.rar”.